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Ar pritariate, kad centrinis Kretingos miesto stadionas būtų pavadintas Šaulių stadionu?

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Kretingos ligoninė dūsta nuo kovidinių ligonių (21 komentarai)

LT Lithuanianesvarbu
2020-11-20 12:19:19
kovidinė slauga
LT LithuaniaGyventojas
2020-11-20 13:04:42
Šiandien vėl rekordai, bet kiek teko girdėt, Darbėnų mokykla nusprendė dar „pagerinti“ situaciją, nes nuo kitos savaitės pradės vėl leisti vaikus į klases. Taip, kad gydytojai nesitikėkit greitai atsipalaiduot.. Beje, neuždarykit psichikos sveikatos centro, nes „darbėnų didvyriams“ jau dabar reikia rimtos pagalbos...
LT LithuaniaOho
2020-11-20 13:31:57
Kiek tenka girdėti, Darbėnų mokyklos valdžia labai nori visur pirmauti, tik nelabai, matyt, pavyksta, tai dabar tikrai pirmaus, ir Darbėnai vėl bus laikraštyje.
LT Lithuaniabravo
2020-11-20 14:11:42
Darbėnai su savo kultūros darbuotoju jau paruošę laidojimo namus.
LT LithuaniaTikrai
2020-11-20 17:33:32
Taip, Darbėnuose kai kurios klasės tikrai nuo pirmadienio į mokyklėlę. Varysim iki
trijų tūkstančių.
LT LithuaniaMama
2020-11-20 17:35:14
Gimnazijos valdžia su mokiniais nesimoko, tai ko jai bijoti.
LT LithuaniaJonas
2020-11-20 18:33:11
Vaikai turi eiti į mokyklas o nesimokyti iš namų
LT LithuaniaEi,
2020-11-20 18:51:06
Gerb. Jonai, ar Jums žinoma, kiek mokytojų mūsų rajone serga CV-19? Nebent priklausote tam tikrai institucijai pats.
LT LithuaniaGyventojas
2020-11-20 19:11:24
Jūs Jonai, kaip reta, esate originalus ir nepaprastos išmintingas žmogus. Jei dar pareikštumėte, kad ir ligoninės pastatytos per mažos ir gydytojų dvigubai daugiau turėtų būti, išvis būtumėte genijus.
LT LithuaniaO
2020-11-20 19:45:48
Tai kur žiūri švietimo skyrius, kodėl leidžiama Darbėnams taip kvailai, neatsakingai elgtis?
LT LithuaniaWo
2020-11-20 19:58:43
We Ryga norėjo Kretingos ligoninę uždaryti, mizereje. Gal galvojo savo bute atidaryti lazareta?
LT LithuaniaAntanas
2020-11-20 20:07:00
Vinkus šventas žmogus apgynė Kretingos ligonine nuo fanatiku.
LT LithuaniaNuo
2020-11-20 20:11:47
Musulmonu iš Telšių mus gina plastmasinis. Reiketu kita plastmasinį prie ligonines apginti nuo We Rygu.
LT LithuaniaTrumpistas
2020-11-20 20:25:13
Oi tie parazitai tinginiai Lietuvos gydytojai, svajodami greitai pralobt iš papildomų pasakiškų milijoninių priedų, specialiai grobia žmones gatvėse ir tempia į ligonines! O ir patys mūsų klipatos pensininkai, mulkina mus visus, radę progą legaliai eutanizuotis už mūsų visų mokečių mokėtojų pinigus, kaifuodami ligoninėse, ima ir su ironiškomis šypsenomis, nustoja kvėpuot. Koks sveikinkintinas Darbėnų gimnazijos vadovų įžvalgumas! Marš visi į mokyklas, barus ir restoranus!
LT Lithuaniapilietė
2020-11-20 20:42:56
o kodėl negalėjo ankščiau išvedžioti deguonį po palatas?
LT Lithuaniauntermench
2020-11-21 09:56:16 kada mes ismirsim?
LT LithuaniaKaimietė
2020-11-21 13:23:38
Stiprybės medikams jų sunkiam darbe. Laikykitės, saugokite save ir kitus. Ir nekreipkit dėmesio į durnus komentarus.
LT LithuaniaDede
2020-11-22 23:39:06
Darbiena i keiti
LT LithuaniaLiudna
2020-11-23 19:13:10
kad kai kuriems vadovaujantiems svarbiau asmenines ambicijos o ne zmoniu sveikata
LT Lithuanialalaila
2020-11-23 22:08:06
va taip su tuo baisiuoju COVID'u

5.3. Role of the lung microbiome in COVID-19 disease and COVID-19 ARDS
Although there is no direct evidence if lung microbiome can affect potential SARS-CoV-2 infections and the outcomes of this disease, yet several lines of evidence support that bacteria in lungs have important roles in this disease. Firstly, microbiota dwelling on the respiratory surface can acts as a barrier, thereby preventing viral attachment to host cells. Secondly, microbiota prime the lung immunity, which will fight against viral infection, and exposure to a diverse range of microbiota may build a wider immunity. Such phenomenon is particularly common in the gut, where gut microbiota can protect against potential flu viral infections [67]. In mice, the nasal application of a respiratory normal flora, Corynebacterium pseudodiphtheriticum, increased the TLR3 antiviral response against RSV and enhanced the production of TNFα, IL-6, IFNγ, and IFNβ [68]. Another respiratory tract flora, Staphylococcus aureus, protected against influenza induced lung injury [69]. Recent evidence of the association between COVID-19 disease severity with the gut microbiota seems highly promising [66]. Thus, it appears that lung microbiome may modify propensity to SARS-CoV viral infection.

Till date, it is unknown if lung microbiota can modify the risk of developing severe respiratory complications such as ARDS after SARS-CoV-2 infection. The dysbiosis of lung microbiome may contribute to COVID-19 ARDS because microbial dysbiosis is found to provoke a dysregulated immune response leading to inflammation [22], [54], [70]. In the ARDS unrelated to COVID-19 disease, lung microbiome is found to be enriched with gut-associated bacteria, which demonstrates the relationship between lung microbiome and ARDS [71]. Recently, the altered microbiome (increase in bacterial burden and a decrease in alpha diversity) was shown to be associated with inflammation and mortality in ARDS patients. The change in microbiota population (a reduction in Betaproteobacteria and an increase in Staphylococcus, Streptococcus and Enterobacteriaceae) was significantly associated with serum cytokine IL-6 [72]. Lung microbiome seems to have a critical role in severely ill patients because a recent study found that lung microbiota predicts the clinical outcome and death in those patients [73]. This study showed that increased lung bacterial burden and lung enrichment with gut-associated bacteria were predictive of adverse consequences of ARDS. Thus, in COVID-19 ARDS, the microbiome may have a significant role in determining the severity of the disease, and the outcomes of ARDS. In the future, studies will find if the presence of a specific bacterial population is associated with low risk for SARS-CoV-2 infection and ARDS development.

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6. Immunity, COVID-19, and future implications
Based on the current evidence, it appears that immunity is at the forefront for protection against COVID-19 disease. Immunity development is a continuous process and requires exposure to a range of microbiota and environments [74]. Exposure of human population to diverse air microbes that may occur in unhygienic environment is believed to develop more robust immunity, and this may partly account for the variation in the COVID-19 death rate among countries [75]. Several other factors such as the method of delivery at birth, air microbiota of the immediate environment, prenatal and childhood exposures to microbes, respiratory viral illness, indoor and outdoor pollution can have a critical influence in the microbiome composition and immunity development in children [45]. Exposure to air with high air microbial load is found to reduce asthma risk in children [76]. In many developed countries, over the years, there has been a change in diet, sanitary conditions, antibiotics use, exposure to environmental chemicals and the change in the living environment, all of which may have ultimately reduced the exposure to diverse microbes. This factor is believed to be one of the principal factors for the current rise in the number of autoimmune lung diseases, and weak immunity [32], [74].
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